Harris County RecoversAddressing the Long-Term Care
Addressing the Long-Term Care
Needs of Harris County
Since 2001, the Harris County Long Term Recovery Committee has responded to 15 federally declared disasters in our community. We are a network of more than 150 nonprofit, governmental and faith-based organizations working together to address the long-term needs of our Harris County community.
We encourage you to support our efforts by getting involved or making a donation to support our work.

Mission and Vision
The Harris County Long-Term Recovery Committee is a collaborative network that addresses the long-term needs of Harris County following a disaster.
The Harris County Long-Term Recovery Committee strives to:
- Provide coordinated management of the long-term recovery process.
- Provide long-term recovery assistance to individuals and families affected by disasters.
- Provide advocacy for Harris County residents, including those with access and functional needs.
Greater Houston Long-Term Recovery Committee formed and led by United Way of Greater Houston
Relaunched Harris County Long-Term Recovery Committee with focus on City of Houston/Harris County jointly led by United Way of Greater Houston and Harris County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Guiding Principles
As a network, we follow seven guiding principles that drive our work.
Embrace a spirit of cooperation
Support every organization’s ability to contribute according to their capacity and capability
Uphold ethical standards of our fields of practice
Maintain quality and accountability
Honor openness and fairness
Be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us
Do no harm to residents or clients
Organizational Structure

- Disaster Case Management Workgroup
Works within current disaster management systems to coordinate efforts, deliver services in an integrated manner, increase the efficiency of shared resources, and avoid duplication of services and efforts.
- Repair and Rebuild Workgroup
Works to coordinate the repair and/or rebuilding of survivors’ homes to safe, sanitary, secure, and functional conditions.
- Behavioral and Spiritual Health Workgroup
Works to assess and provide for the spiritual needs of individuals, families, and communities impacted by disaster in order to help build hope and resilience.
- Donations Management Workgroup
Solicits, inventories, and distributes items donated for disaster recovery efforts.
- Volunteer Management Workgroup
Coordinates and plans for efficient communication and utilization of spontaneous volunteers immediately after an incident.
- Data Workgroup
Works to make data useful for decision-making, collective coordination, and strategy development for the HCLTRC and its partners. The Workgroup engages practices for improving access to data, the use of data collection, and data sharing in support of disaster relief.
- Faith-Based Workgroup
Collaboration of faith-based organizations/leaders that respond to and provide support to impacted communities before, during, and after disasters.
Participating Agencies
- Alliance For Multicultural Community Services
- American Red Cross
- American Youthworks
- Americares
- Assistance League of the Bay Area
- Attack Poverty
- Avenue
- BakerRipley
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Houston
- Boat People SOS
- Cariah Organizations INC
- Catholic Charities
- Chinese Community Center, Houston
- Christian Community Service Center (CCSC)
- Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints
- City of Houston
- City of Houston – Human Services
- City of Houston HCAD
- City of Houston Health Department
- City of Houston Housing & Community Development
- City of Houston Volunteer Initiative Program
- City of Houston/Sr. Counselor
- Coalition for the Homeless
- Community Family Centers
- Connective (formerly Harvey Home Connect)
- Covenant Community Capital
- Creative Group Economics/NAACP
- Credit Coalition
- CTAB Relief Operations Manager
- CTAS Relief
- Cy Hope
- Cypress Assistance Ministries
- Department of Neighborhoods
- Disability Rights Texas
- Disaster and Humanitarian Services
- East Harris County Empowerment Council
- Easter Seals Greater Houston
- Echos
- Episcopal Diocese of Texas
- Family Endeavors
- Family Houston
- Family to Family Network
- Free Indeed Community Works CDC
- Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders
- Greater Houston Community Foundation
- Greater Houston Healing Collaborative
- Habitat for Humanity
- Habitat for Humanity Northwest Harris County
- Harris County
- Harris County AAA
- Harris County Agency on Aging
- Harris County Community Services Department
- Harris County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
- Harris County Office of Social Services
- Harris County Precinct One
- Harris County Public Health
- Health and Human Services Commission
- Help I’m Hurting
- Helping Hand to the community
- Home Sweet Home Community Redevelopment
- Hope Disaster Recovery
- Hope Pyx Global
- Houston Area Urban League
- Houston Area Women’s Center
- Houston Community ToolBank
- Houston Food Bank
- Houston Furniture Bank
- Houston Habitat for Humanity
- Houston Health Department
- Houston Health Department NRC
- Houston Housing Authority
- Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative
- Houston In Action
- Houston LISC
- Houston Responds
- Houston Tool Bank
- Houston Volunteer Lawyers
- Humble Area Assistance Ministries
- Institute of Spirituality Health
- Interfaith Ministries
- Jewish Family Service
- Jewish Federation of Greater Houston
- Katy Christian Ministries
- Launch point CDC
- Linking The Gap Counseling LLC
- Living Hope Wheelchair Association
- Living Paradigm
- Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
- Lone Star Legal Aid
- Main Street Ministries
- Marcelous Williams Resource Center
- Maximillen International
- Mayor’s Office
- MCH Family Outreach
- Memorial Assistance Ministries
- Memorial Hermann
- Mental Health America of Greater Houston, Inc.
- NAACP Houston Branch
- NAMI Greater Houston
- Neighborhood Recovery Community Development Corp
- Network of Behavioral Health Providers
- New Hope Housing, Inc.
- North East Partners In Power (P.I.P) Inc.
- Northeast Houston Redevelopment Council
- Northeast Next Door Redevelopment Council
- Operation Hope
- PDA Response Team
- Premier Center
- Project Girls
- Reach Global Crisis Response
- Rebuilding Together Houston
- Recovery Houston
- Repair the World
- Rotary District 5890
- SAFE Diversity Communities
- Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Relief
- Settegast Heights Redevelopment Corporation Northeast
- Sewa International
- Shalom Builders of Texas
- Shield Bearer
- Society of St. Vincent dePaul
- Southwest Houston United Responds (SHUR)
- St. Francis of Assisi Parish
- St. Vincent de Paul
- Super Neighborhood Alliance
- Tahirih Justice Center
- Target Hunger
- Team Rubicon
- Tejano Center for Community Concerns
- Texans Recovering Together (MHMRA)
- Texas Children’s Hospital
- Texas Conservation Corps of American YouthWorks
- Texas Division of Emergency Management
- Texas Housers
- Texas Organizing Project
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and JustServe
- The Council on Recovery
- The Episcopal Diocese of Texas
- The Harris Center
- The Metropolitan Organization
- the Montrose Center
- The Restoration Team
- The Salvation Army
- The Simmons Foundation
- The Texan French Alliance for the Arts
- The Womens Home
- Tied to Solutions
- Tri County Behavioral Healthcare
- UH Downtown
- United Against Human Trafficking
- United Methodist Church
- United Way of Greater Houston
- Vietnamese Community of Houston
- Volunteer Houston
- Volunteers of America Texas
- Wesley Community Center
- West Street Recovery
- Worklife Institute
- World Renew
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